Sunday, February 26, 2006

Saskatchewan: Supreme Court of Canada

Did anyone really think that the next justice of the Supreme Court of Canada would be picked from within the judicial rot that characterizes Saskatchewan Justice.

What were the choices?

One of the racist corrupt Christian judges who believe the people needed to be protected from Satanic Cults and women broodmares who have children so they can be sacrificed in a ritual child abuse hysteria.

One of the Court of Queen’s bench judges who left two 8 year old girls to be raped.

The judges who knowingly jailed innocent people who tried to help the children left to be raped.

One of the Court of Appeals judges who protected judges who left 8 year old girls to be raped.

One of the Court of Appeal judges who left two 8 year old girls to be raped.

One of the political hacks appointed to the court to protect the above judges.

A member of the Saskatchewan Law Society who protected a corrupt lawyer/politician.

A justice of the court who protected a corrupt lawyer/politician.

A member of the Saskatchewan College of Law or a member of the Saskatchewan Law Society who have stayed silent and watched Saskatchewan Justice destroy the rule of law in Saskatchewan.

It was understandable why the Prime Minister did not appoint a member of the Saskatchewan legal community to the Supreme Court of Canada. He was protecting the citizens of Canada.

The federal justice department has a responsibility to the people of Saskatchewan. Clean out the rot from within Saskatchewan Justice.

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