Thursday, March 23, 2006

It is no longer a question in Saskatoon of “What can we do?” Its, where do we start?

Support female firefighters in BC. These people are grade 6 bullies, thugs. No one in Saskatoon had the balls to stand up to a police officer who left two 8 year old girls to be raped. A prosecutor and social worker led him around by the ring in his nose. They were protected by judges and civil servants.

The RCMP need to do a profile on these sick people, start with Justice Hrabinsky, Dovell and Nicholas Sherstobitoff. Gangsters and thugs.

Who makes the decision who lives and who is starved to death in Saskatoon. Who made the decision to send my mother to Porteous Lodge? Who made the decision to starve her to death? Who made the decision to medicate her until she could not open her eyes? Sick people.

The people need to support the firefighters in BC. No one supported Johanna Lucas in Saskatoon. What starts in the fire department will soon spread to the other civil services, police, justice and health and the end result is a corrupt city controlled by gangsters and thugs, Saskatoon.

Why is it that it is always women in Canada first with the courage to stand up to these bullies and injustice. Johanna Lucas, Holly Desimone, Boni Prokopetz, the Honourable Anne C. Cools, Joyce Milgaard and the list goes on and on.

It is no longer a question in Saskatoon of “What can we do?” Its where do we start?

Justice for Johanna Lucas, John Lucas and the Ross Children. Clean the pig stink out of Saskatchewan Justice.

Canadian Female Firefighters Association

1 comment:

Admin said...

Dear James,
Your so right, we have to stand up for the injustice! The Ross's, Lucas's, Prokopetz's, Milgaard's deserve that! Any injustice does not serve societies in any country! The so called Legal Judicial System of Canada is not being served!
The seniors of this country also deserve better, your mother does deserve the best care in this country! I hope it happens before it is too late! Take care my friend, James your one special advocate.