Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ross, Ross & White

The satanic ritual child abuse nightmare was fuelled in Saskatoon by the media, social workers, police officers, government ministers and above all judges who had no regard for the health and welfare of wards of their court. The public image of their court came before families and children.

The Ross children were seriously dysfunction children in need of professional medical help. They did not get any help. Everyone who was directly involved with the Ross children at the time of the first satanic ritual child abuse preliminary hearing and trial knew this. The children were in the control of sick social workers, prosecutors, doctors, child therapists and judges. These brain dead idiots were allowed to use the children and the courts to advance their believe that children were being sexually abused by members of a cult that engaged in ritual child abuse. The taped evidence and transcripts of the Ross, Ross and White preliminary hearing and trial that was banned from publication by court order is incredible.

Volume 1, page 69

Mr. Borden: Your Honour, I beg leave to address the court. Of course, I’m only hear as a member of the public but, as I understand it, there’s going to be an application made, and I was wondering if I could come to the other side of the bar to make an application for respect to my being able to attend this preliminary hearing, insomuch as I act for one of the co-accused.

The Court: Well, I think that - I think you’re premature, depending upon - there’s been no ruling made with respect to exclusion at this time.

Mr. Borden: No, but I want to make an argument before that ruling is made.

The Court: Alright, come forward.

Mr. Borden: For the record, I’m Robert Borden, I represent four accused persons, and each of those persons are alleged to have sexually assaulted the complaints in this preliminary hearing.

The Court: The same complainants?

Mr. Borden: Yes.

The Court: Alright.

Mr. Borden: It is necessary that I be able to sit in the courtroom, take notes of the evidence, not to participate in any other manner. I think it’s important that I be able to hear the evidence and note the demeanour of the witnesses, to determine what procedural matters have arisen and therefore be able to prepare adequately for my clients’ defence. I would ask therefore to be able to sit in this courtroom during this preliminary hearing, either under an order, a conditional order, or to beg the Court not to make any order that involves exclusion of the public.

The Court: Alright, thank you.

Volume 1, page 108

Ann Wallace: Your Honour, if I may, Ann Wallace, I’m here representing the Star Phoenix. After the adjournment this morning, I was contacted over the lunch hour on the matter of the publication ban, and I’d ask leave just to be heard on - or on the ban of the public. I’d ask leave just to be heard for a moment on that issue, on behalf of the media.

The Court: Well this, Mr Miazga, the very first sentence of your Section 486 says: “Any proceedings against an accused shall be held in open court, ..” That’s the premise.

Volume 1, page 110 - 111

Mr Miazga: Well, I would like to clarify. It’s not the position of the public. The Crown is here representing the public. That’s the position of a private corporation that sells newspapers. To equate them with the public, I would submit, is a fallacy. They’re representing private interests, not the interests of the public, those interests are being represented by the Crown in this particular case. And the public in this particular case, the prime concern is the witnesses in this case, not some newspaper and whether or not they’re going to get some story they can publish in tomorrow’s paper.

The reason this order is being made, and pardon me for getting moderately upset about this, but I find it very distressing that a newspaper, the so called public community newspaper, comes in here and is objecting or opposing to an order that’s made for the protection of children in a very difficult case.

The Court has the power to make this exclusionary order for the proper administration of justice and that’s why the Crown is making this application.

The Court: That has to be the primary concern.

Mr Miazga: Yeah, that is the prime concern, not whether or not a newspaper can be here. And I note, thankfully, that no other media are here objecting to it, it’s only the Star Phoenix that sees fit to take that position.

Page 117

Ann Wallace: Your Honour, if I may, first I think that the Prosecutor has forgotten about the freedom of expression that we have in the Charter and one of the aspects of that being the freedom of the press, which includes access to these sorts of proceedings….

Another comment made by Mr Miazga: Page 114

“There’s absolutely nothing that’s interfering with the right of the press or media at all by the request the Crown has made, other than their own obscene curiosity to be here and hear about what happens at the very moment.”

Robert Borden, the media and the public were banned from the court room. Mr Miazga was found years later guilty of maliciously prosecuting Robert Borden’s clients. Mr Miazga statement “other then their own obscene curiosity to be here” has been a strategy that has been perfected by Saskatchewan justice to discredit anyone who dared question the actions of Saskatchewan justice. Ann Wallace must have been a super women to get her self into the court room on such short notice. That is the only reason she was the only representative of the media in court and Mr Miazga “getting moderately upset “. Mr Miazga had to keep the public out, he knew if the public heard the children’s testimony he would have been laughed right out of the courtroom.

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