Monday, November 13, 2006

Welcome John Klebuc.

John Klebuc was appointed on October 2, 2006 by Prime Minister Stephen Harper as Saskatchewan’s eighth chief justice. He replaces Edward Bayda who will be seen as overseeing the 25 year slow destruction of the Rule of Law by an administration of justice in the control of corrupt civil servants protected by corrupted judges of The Court of Queens Bench and The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal.

Mr Harper previously stated that it will take time to replace the judges appointed by past governments in Canada. The appointment of a Manitoba judge to the Supreme Court of Canada can be seen as a snub to the Saskatchewan hopefuls lined up expecting Mr Harper to appoint a corrupt judge or a religious nut case to the Supreme Court of Canada or as the chief justice of Saskatchewan. I believe that a sitting judge of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal was not chosen as the chief justice respected the wishes held by most people in Saskatchewan.

Hopefully the upcoming decision in Q.B. No. 271 January 31, 1994 will not be a further embarrassment for Saskatchewan justice as was the courts decision in the Ross, Ross and White travesty of justice.

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