Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The last will and testament of A.T. Renouf

The following is the last will and testament of A.T. Renouf. He joined the growing list of Canadian victims of injustice in Canada who believe that the only solution is suicide and that some how the publication of his last will and testament will make a difference. There is not a Canadian in this country that would not have helped Mr Renouf. If you find yourself in this situation for any reason talk to someone. You are not alone, join the thousands of Canadians just like you who are fighting injustice in Canada. Do it before the anger and depression results in destructive behaviour. Use that last bit of gas in your car and put it to good use, drive yourself to emergency, you will not have to explain what has been done to you, they have seen it many times and they can help, your voice is needed.

To Whom It May Concern

Last friday (13-October) my bank account was garnisheed. I was left with a total of $00.43 in the bank.

At this time I have rent and bill's to pay which would come to somewhere approaching $1500.00 to $1800.00.

Since my last pay was also direct deposited on friday I now have no way of supporting myself. I have no money for food or for gas for my car to enable me to work. My employer also tells me that they will only pay me by direct deposit. I therefore no longer have a job, since the money would not reach me.

I have tried talking to the Family Support people at 1916 Dundas St. E. their answer was:-" we have a court order." repeated several times.

I have tried talking to the welfare people in Markham. Since I earned over $520.00 last month I am not eligible for assistance.

I have had no contact with my daughter in approx. 4 year's. I do not even know if she is alive and well. I have tried to keep her informed of my current telephone number but she has never bothered to call.

I have no family and no friend's, very little food, no viable job and very poor future prospects. I have therefore decided that there is no further point in continuing my life. It is my intention to drive to a secluded area, near my home, feed the car exhaust into the car, take some sleeping pills and use the remaining gas in the car to end my life.

I would have prefered to die with more dignity.

It is my last will and testament that this letter be published for all to see and read.


A.T. Renouf

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